Oracle数据库开发(三) Pro*C/C++的编译参数

news/2024/6/18 6:00:21 标签: oracle, 数据库, makefile, include, warnings, build
Oracle Database Development (4). Example Makefile for Pro*C
It is a pity that there is a few aritcle written in Chinese which talking about
the material method of Makefile for Pro*C/C++ .Maybe it's not diffcult to the most
Linux developers , but I find lots of questions about the method of compile
which follows no answer .
I don't know why .
 Assumed that you just finished the installation of Oracle Pro*C In Linux OS ,
 you hurry to enter the directory which contains lots of Pro*C examples and type
 this command " make -f sample1 " to get a first programme. In all
 probability you could find lots of errors and warnings full of the screen instead
 of a imaged executable file.
 Don't worry , let us discover the secrect in it , which is the mainly content
 of this artical.
 Oracle DataBase Development Series

2.The causation of errors
 In the beginning , I was also puzzled with this errors , for i had no idea with
 Precompiler Options . Everything becomes clear go with the knowing the Precompiler
 Input your command " proc parse=? " at the command line .
  $ proc parse=?
 You should see the prompt following .
  Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Fri Jun 8 12:22:36 2007
  Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
  System default option values taken from: /home/ora/ora9/oracle/precomp/admin/pcscfg.cfg
  Option name   :  parse=string
  Current value :  full
  Restrictions  :  full, partial, none
  Description   :  Control which non-SQL code is parsed
  PCC-F-02135, CMD-LINE:  User asked for help
  Check the makefile named "" and the predefined environment file
 named "" , and you will find the variable $(PROCFLAGS) not defined .
 Oralce used the default value when compiled the sample. According to last article
 《Oracle Database Development (3). Introduce to Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Options》,
 we know that we should set the value of SYS_INCLUDE option. Just follow the
 instruction , you would get a better result .
 The key step of the compilers listed on the sceen is perhaps like this :
 proc  iname=sample1 include=. include=/home/ora/ora9/oracle/precomp/public include=/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public include=/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo include=/home/ora/ora9/oracle/plsql/public include=/home/ora/ora9/oracle/network/public
 /usr/bin/gcc  -O3  -trigraphs -fPIC -DPRECOMP -I. -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/precomp/public -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/plsql/public -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/network/public -DLINUX -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE=1 -DSLTS_ENABLE -DSLMXMX_ENABLE -D_REENTRANT -DNS_THREADS    -c sample1.c
 sample1.c: In function `main':
 sample1.c:241: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
 /usr/bin/gcc -o sample1 sample1.o -L/home/ora/ora9/oracle/lib/ -lclntsh `cat /home/ora/ora9/oracle/lib/ldflags`   `cat /home/ora/ora9/oracle/lib/sysliblist` -ldl -lm 
 sample1.o(.text+0x3b6): In function `main':
 : the `gets' function is dangerous and should not be used.
 Some warnings comes again , i don't mind , for we have already known what it is !
3.Using Oracle defined Makefile
  Here is the detail below.
  Copy the file "" to your own directory and rename it by yourself .
  The source file " main.pc " , which have the same content with the example mentioned
  before , is created then .
   [ora@liwei src]$ ls
  Add the "-lclntsh" to the file "$ORACLE_HOME/lib/sysliblist" .
   [ora@liwei lib]$ cat sysliblist
   -lclntsh -ldl -lm -lpthread -lnsl -lirc
  Start to compile .
   [ora@liwei src]$ make -f main
  make -f /home/ora/ora9/oracle/precomp/demo/proc/ PROCFLAGS="" PCCSRC=main I_SYM=include= pc1
  make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ora/develop/src'
  proc  iname=main include=. include=/home/ora/ora9/oracle/precomp/public include=/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public include=/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo include=/home/ora/ora9/oracle/plsql/public include=/home/ora/ora9/oracle/network/public
  Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Fri Jun 8 16:18:20 2007
  Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
  System default option values taken from: /home/ora/ora9/oracle/precomp/admin/pcscfg.cfg
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ora/develop/src'
  /usr/bin/gcc  -O3  -trigraphs -fPIC -DPRECOMP -I. -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/precomp/public -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/public -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/rdbms/demo -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/plsql/public -I/home/ora/ora9/oracle/network/public -DLINUX -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE=1 -DSLTS_ENABLE -DSLMXMX_ENABLE -D_REENTRANT -DNS_THREADS    -c main.c
  /usr/bin/gcc -o main -L/home/ora/ora9/oracle/precomp/lib/ -L/home/ora/ora9/oracle/lib/ -L/home/ora/ora9/oracle/lib/stubs/  main.o    `cat /home/ora/ora9/oracle/lib/sysliblist` -ldl -lm  -o main
  rm main.o 
  Everything is OK now.
4.Make your own Makefile

  The Makefile defined by Oracle can compile any Pro*C/C++ file . Someone may
  prefer to make a new one by themselves, which is more simple .
  Due to the existence of the powerfull Oracle Makefile , it becomes a piece of cake .
  Let me list the content of a simple file .
  [ora@liwei src]$
  [ora@liwei src]$ pwd
  [ora@liwei src]$ ls
  Makefile  main.pc
  [ora@liwei src]$ cat Makefile
  include $(ORACLE_HOME)/precomp/lib/
  # Redhat Linux
  build: $(OBJS)
          $(MAKE) -f Makefile OBJS=$@.o EXE=$@ build
          rm main *.o *.lis *.c
  .SUFFIXES: .pc .c .o
          $(PROC) $(PROCFLAGS) iname=$*
          $(PROC) $(PROCFLAGS) iname=$*
 The statement "$(MAKE) -f Makefile OBJS=$@.o EXE=$@ build" could be considerd
 a entrance of the complier . $@ actually means "main" in this sentence.
 The target 'build' puts together an executable $(EXE) from the .o files in
 $(OBJS) and the libraries in $(PROLDLIBS). You can get the following message
 if your find it in ""
 Search the key word "Makefile" in Google for more details about it.
  $ make clean
  $ make main
 Note: "make main" equals "make -f Makefile main".
  Makefiles are special format files that together with the make utility will help
  you to automagically build and manage your projects.
  Most of the Windows developers strange with the theory of Makefile ,for Windows
  IDE have nearly done every work at the aspect of compile . The Makefile is known
  as nmake in VC IDE . Every developer , i think , should know the theory more or
  less .




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