
2024/4/13 6:43:11

OCP-1Z0-051 补充题库 第8题 子查询的使用范围

一、原题 Where can sub queries be used? (Choose all that apply) A. field names in the SELECT statement B. the FROM clause in the SELECT statement C. the HAVING clause in the SELECT statement D. the GROUP BY clause in the SELECT statement E. the WHERE cla…


在这样一个场景,我 left join 了很多张表,用这些表的不同列来过滤,看起来非常合理 但是出现的问题是 left join 其中一张或多张表出现了笛卡尔积,且无法消除 FUNCTION fun_get_xxx_helper(v_param_1 VARCHAR2,v_param_2 VARCHAR2…

OCP-1Z0-051 第168题 使用子查询DELETE数据

一、原题 View the Exhibit and examine the description of SALES and PROMOTIONS tables. You want to delete rows from the SALES table, where the PROMO_NAME column in the PROMOTIONS table has either blowout sale or everyday low price as values. Which DELETE …


在这样一个场景,我 left join 了很多张表,用这些表的不同列来过滤,看起来非常合理 但是出现的问题是 left join 其中一张或多张表出现了笛卡尔积,且无法消除 FUNCTION fun_get_xxx_helper(v_param_1 VARCHAR2,v_param_2 VARCHAR2…

OCP-1Z0-051 第135题 子查询注意事项

一、原题 Which three statements are true regarding subqueries? (Choose three.) A. Subqueries can contain GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses. B. Main query and subquery can get data from different tables. C. Main query and subquery must get data from the same …

OCP-1Z0-051 第137题 子查询的应用

一、原题 View the Exhibits and examine PRODUCTS and SALES tables. You issue the following query to display product name and the number of times the product has been sold: SQL>SELECT p.prod_name, i.item_cnt FROM (SELECT prod_id, COUNT(*) …

OCP-1Z0-051 第141题 子查询的应用

一、原题 View the Exhibit and examine the structure of CUSTOMERS and GRADES tables. You need to display names and grades of customers who have the highest credit limit. Which two SQL statements would accomplish the task? (Choose two.) A.SELECT custname,…


1.子查询分两种 (1)单行子查询:对外部的SQL要么不返回结果,要么只返回一行。单行子查询的一种特殊情况就是正好包含一列(标量子查询) (2)多行子查询:向外部的SQL语句返回…

48.Oracle数据库SQL开发之 子查询——编写单行子查询

原文地址为: 48.Oracle数据库SQL开发之 子查询——编写单行子查询48.Oracle数据库SQL开发之 子查询——编写单行子查询 欢迎转载,转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/notbaron/article/details/49805691 单行子查询不向外部的SQL语句返回结…

OCP-1Z0-051 第140题 子查询中使用GROUP BY注意事项

一、原题 Examine the structure of the PRODUCTS table: Name Null Type PROD_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(4) PROD_NAME VARCHAR2(20) PROD_STATUS VARCHAR2(6) QTY_IN_HAND …

OCP-1Z0-051 第145题 子查询嵌套

一、原题 View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the CUSTOMERS table. You issue the following SQL statement on the CUSTOMERS table to display the customers who are in the same country as customers with the last name KING and whose credit limit is l…

SQL知识点2 - oracle

文章目录多表连接1. oracle连接写法等值连接where型指定列等值非等值连接外部连接 - 把等值连接某表被排除的行也能够显示出来2. 标准ANNSI连接写法 - 任何数据库都可以用笛卡尔积-交叉连接(cross join)等值连接自然连接:只要列名、数据类型一样系统自动等值自定义相…

OCP-1Z0-051 第125题 self-join(自连接)和self-join(子查询)


OCP-1Z0-051 补充题库 第5题 主查询和子查询的注意事项

一、原题 Which three statements are true regarding sub queries? (Choose three.) A. Multiple columns or expressions can be compared between the main query and sub query B. Main query and sub query can get data from different tables C. Sub queries can cont…

oracle基础-子查询 备份

一、什么是子查询 子查询是在SQL语句内的另外一条select语句,也被称为内查询活着内select语句。在select、insert、update、delete命令中允许是一个表达式的地方都可以包含子查询,子查询也可以包含在另一个子查询中。 【例1.1】在Scott模式下&#xff0…

【Mysql数据库基础05】子查询 where、from、exists子查询、分页查询

where、from、exists子查询、分页查询 1 where子查询1.1 where后面的标量子查询1.1.1 having后的标量子查询 1.2 where后面的列子查询1.3 where后面的行子查询(了解即可) 2 from子查询3 exists子查询(相关子查询)4 分页查询5 联合…


在校招的各种银行类笔试题中,数据库的题占据了绝大部分,其中数据库的查询考察的很多,而且尤其是各种连接查询,子查询,嵌套查询等等,所以我打算总结总结连接查询和子查询等知识点 1.连接查询分类 &#xf…


文章目录 1.基本查询回顾2.多表查询3.自连接4.子查询4.1单行子查询4.2多行子查询4.3多列子查询4.4在from子句中使用子查询4.5合并查询4.5.1 union4.5.2 union all 1.基本查询回顾 表的内容如下: mysql> select * from emp; ----------------------------------…


一般情况下,我们都是直接对表进行查询,但有时候,想要的数据可能通过一次select 获取不到,需要嵌套select,这样就形成了子查询。 子查询可以位于查询语句的任意位置,主要的注意点在于用于不同的位置,和不同的关键字一起使用时,需要注意返回的列的数量和行的数量。 位于…


子查询:嵌入在其他SQL语句之中的SELECT语句,大部分时候出现在WHERE子句中。 其所嵌入的语句也称为主查询或父查询,嵌入语句可以是SELECT语句,也可以是其他语句。 当前查询需要建立在另一个查询的结果基础之上需用到子查询。 子查…


0 总结 对于SQL:select * from student, (select * from score where sno > 2) s where student.sno s.sno; pullup在pull_up_subqueries函数内递归完成,分几步: 将内层rte score追加到上层rtbable中:rte1是student、rte2带…


Mysql之子查询<知识点例题> 什么是子查询案例分析案例分析子查询的分类单行子查询子查询中的空值问题题目练习题目一题目二题目三题目四题目五补充&#xff1a;聚合函数与GROUP BY的使用关系 CASE表达式&#xff08;子查询中的运用&#xff09;简单CASE表达式搜索CASE表达…

MySQL命令学习2 - 分组查询、表连接、子查询

文章目录重点&#xff1a;SQL执行顺序0. 分组查询1. 表连接1.1. 内连接1.2. 外连接1.3 交叉连接 - 其实就是等值连接2. 子查询2.1 普通子查询2.2 分页查询 - limit无论如何都是最后运行2.3 联合查询重点&#xff1a;SQL执行顺序 select 查询列 ⑤fr…

理解SQL Server的子查询

当由where子句指定的搜索条件指向另一张表时&#xff0c;就需要使用子查询或嵌套查询。 1 子查询 子查询是一个嵌套在select、insert、update或delete语句或其他子查询中的查询。任何允许使用表达式的地方都可以使用子查询。 1.1语法规则&#xff1a; 子查询的select查询总…

OCP-1Z0-051 第159题 insert语句中使用子查询

一、原题 View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the CUSTOMERS table. NEW_CUSTOMERS is a new table with the columns CUST_ID, CUST_NAME and CUST_CITY that have the same data types and size as the corresponding columns in the CUSTOMERS table. Evaluat…

OCP-1Z0-051 第133题 子查询的用法

一、原题 Which two statements are true regarding subqueries? (Choose two.) A. A subquery can retrieve zero or more rows. B. Only two subqueries can be placed at one level. C. A subquery can be used only in SQL query statements. D. A subquery can appear o…

OCP-1Z0-051 第142题 嵌套子查询的应用

一、原题 View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the PRODUCTS table. Evaluate the following query: SQL> SELECT prod_name FROM products WHERE prod_id IN (SELECT prod_id FROM products WHERE pro…

OCP-1Z0-051 第143题 子查询中ANY、ALL的应用

一、原题 View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the PROMOTIONS table. You have to generate a report that displays the promo name and start date for all promos that started after the last promo in the INTERNET category. Which query would give you t…

OCP-1Z0-051 第149题 子查询中ALL的应用

一、原题 View the Exhibits and examine the structures of the COSTS and PROMOTIONS tables. Evaluate the following SQL statement: SQL>SELECT prod_id FROM costs WHERE promo_id IN (SELECT promo_id FROM promotions …

OCP-1Z0-051 第144题 子查询的应用

一、原题 View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the PRODUCTS table. You want to display the category with the maximum number of items. You issue the following query: SQL>SELECT COUNT(*), prod_category_id FROM products GROUP BY prod_cate…

OCP-1Z0-051 第136题 子查询的使用

一、原题 View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the PRODUCTS table. Which two tasks would require subqueries? (Choose two.) A. Display the minimum list price for each product status. B. Display all suppliers whose list price is less than 1000. C.…

OCP-1Z0-051 第169题 使用子查询DELETE数据

一、原题 View the Exhibit and examine the description for the PRODUCTS and SALES table.PROD_ID is a primary key in the PRODUCTS table and foreign key in the SALES table. You want to remove all the rows from the PRODUCTS table for which no sale was done fo…

OCP-1Z0-051 第160题 insert中使用子查询

一、原题 View the Exhibit and examine the structure of ORDERS and CUSTOMERS tables. There is only one customer with the cust_last_name column having value Roberts. Which INSERT statement should be used to add a row into the ORDERS table for the customer …

OCP-1Z0-051 第139题 子查询的注意事项

一、原题 Which three statements are true about multiple-row subqueries? (Choose three.) A. They can contain a subquery within a subquery. B. They can return multiple columns as well as rows. C. They cannot contain a subquery within a subquery. D. They ca…

OCP-1Z0-051 第166题 使用子查询update表中的多列

一、原题 View the Exhibit and examine the structures of the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables. You want to update the EMPLOYEES table as follows: -Update only those employees who work in Boston or Seattle (locations 2900 and 2700). -Set department_id for …

OCP-1Z0-051 第146题 子查询中的null值

一、原题 Evaluate the following SQL statement: SQL>SELECT cust_id, cust_last_name FROM customers WHERE cust_credit_limit IN (SELECT cust_credit_limit FROM customers WHERE cust_city Singapore); Which sta…


in,any/some,all,exists (有信息返回1&#xff0c;没有返回0) 1.in(val1,val2,val3) in 相当于要 查询的条件 val1 or 查询的条件 val1 ... not in 不是in()里面的值 --查询有员工的部门名 查询出employees表中所有的部门id select DISTINCT department_id from employees…


前面聊了一些查询的东西&#xff0c;现在聊SELECT中相对而言最难的一部分—子查询。 子查询指一个查询语句中嵌套在另一个查询语句内部的查询&#xff0c;这个特性从MYSQL4.1开始引入。 SQL中子查询的使用大大增强了SELECT查询的能力&#xff0c;因为很多时候查询需要从结果集…


Oracle数据库SQL语句&#xff08;四&#xff09; 子查询&#xff08;嵌套查询&#xff09; 1、单行子查询 SELECT * FROM stuWHERE ID > (SELECT ID FROM stu WHERE NAME 王五);2、多行子查询 --IN 在什么范围内 SELECT * FROM stuWHERE ID IN (SELECT ID FROM stu WHER…


本文详解mysql中的子查询&#xff1a; 子查询分为where子查询和from子查询。 where子查询包括标量子查询、列子查询、行子查询、exists子查询 from子查询包括表子查询 1.标量子查询 概念&#xff1a;子查询得到结果是一个数据 &#xff08;一行一列&#xff09; 语法&#xff…

OCP-1Z0-051 第8题 子查询和多表关联查询和情况

一、原题 View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the CUSTOMERS table. Which two tasks would require subqueries or joins to be executed in a single statement? (Choose two)A. listing of customers who do not have a credit limit and were born before 198…

2. 分组查询子查询

分组查询 group by 关键字 例子 1.查询各job_id的员工工资的最大值&#xff0c;最小值&#xff0c;平均值&#xff0c;总和 select job_id,max(salary),min(salary),avg(salary),sum(salary)from employeesgroup by job_id 输出&#xff1a; JOB_ID …

MySQL基础笔记(三) 复杂查询

所谓复杂查询&#xff0c;指涉及多个表、具有嵌套等复杂结构的查询。这里简要介绍典型的几种复杂查询格式。 一、连接查询 连接是区别关系与非关系系统的最重要的标志。通过连接运算符可以实现多个表查询。连接查询主要包括内连接、外连接等。 假设有Student和Grade两个表如…

【数据库知识扫描】 | SQL复习-中篇 第11课 使用子查询

意简言赅&#xff0c;这一课介绍什么是子查询&#xff0c;如何使用它们。 早学完&#xff0c;早睡觉。困极了。 目录 11.1 子查询 11.2 利用子查询进行过滤 11.3 作为计算字段使用子查询 11.1 子查询 查询&#xff08;query&#xff09;任何SQL语句都是查询。但此术语一般…

OCP-1Z0-051 补充题库 第31题 subquery子查询的注意事项

一、原题 Which two statements about sub queries are true? (Choose two.) A. A sub query should retrieve only one row. B. A sub query can retrieve zero or more rows. C. A sub query can be used only in SQL query statements. D. Sub queries CANNOT be nested b…


比如&#xff1a; UPDATE test.tb_vobile a set a.name 111 WHEREa.id (select max(id) id from test.tb_vobile) 报错&#xff1a; [SQL]UPDATE test.tb_vobile a set a.name 111 WHEREa.id (select max(id) id from test.tb_vobile) [Err] 1093 - You cant specify targ…


有两个表如下&#xff1b;产品表&#xff0c;产品评论表&#xff1b; 查询全部产品信息和每种产品的评论数量&#xff1b; 这也是子查询的一种&#xff1b; select * from product1; select * from comment; SELECT product1.*,(select count(id) from comment where product1…